




Designation Symbol Description
交貨狀态 代号 說明
Cold finished (hard) BK(+C) Tubes do not undergo heat treatment following the final cold forming and, thus, have a rather high resistance to deformation
冷加工(硬) 最後冷加工之後不進行熱處理(lǐ), 從而管子隻可(kě)能(néng)進行很(hěn)小(xiǎo)的變形。
Cold finished (Soft) BKW
The final heat treatment is followed by cold drawing involving limited deformation. Appropriate further processing allows a certain degree of cold forming (e.g. bending, expanding)
冷加工(軟) 最後熱處理(lǐ)之後進行小(xiǎo)變形量的冷加工, 對鋼管再加工時允許有限的冷變形(例如: 彎曲, 擴口)
Cold finished and stress-relieved BKS(+SR) Heat treatment is applied following the last cold forming process. Subject to appropriate processing conditions, the increase in the residual stresses involved enables both forming and machining to a certain degree.
冷加工後消除應力退火 最後冷加工後在Acl點以下進行退火, 以消除冷加工應力。
Annealed GBK(+A) The last Cold forming process is followed by annealing in a controlled atmosphere.
退火 最後冷加工之後,鋼管在保護氣體(tǐ)下進行完全退火。
Normalized NBK(+N) The last cold forming process is followed by annealing above the upper transformation point in a controlled atmosphere.
正火 最後冷加工之後,鋼管在保護氣體(tǐ)下進行正火。
發表日期:2015/7/13  浏覽次數:
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